Overcoming the Growing Risk of Cybersecurity Threats

Did you know…?
  • Cybercrime costs the global economy about $445 billion every year.
  • Last year, the average cost of a data breach was $4.88 million.
  • And 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses.

How would your cybersecurity perform against those odds?

Our webinar, Overcoming the Growing Risk of Cybersecurity Threats, dives into how you can protect yourself, your family, and your business from today’s most sophisticated attacks. We are joined by Christian Wigley, Owner of Outsource My IT, who shares his expertise on essential topics like: 

  • Steps to safeguard your most valuable assets 
  • AI-powered cybercrime and how to combat it 
  • The Dark Web – what is it and what risk does it pose to your data 

Don’t let inadequate preparation put you at risk. Arm yourself with the knowledge to stay secure.

Download this free resource today.

Overcoming the Growing Risk of Cybersecurity Threats